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Jennifer Ayers-Lewis

Superstar Consultant


My Story

My story? I can only tell you part of that. Because it will NEVER be complete.
I started using Scentsy products in 2014 and over a few years fell in love. I joined as a consultant in 2016 with just a passion but no real intention or goal. I did not have the WANT in my heart for more and the BELIEF in myself then to make it work against the odds and so I failed for a while. I went inactive and quit. BUT I still loved Scentsy. Fast forward a few long years of working hard, learning more about business and growth mindset. One faithful night as I sat on the computer trying to figure out how I would manage to finish paying off a vacation or maybe pushing the dates back. I kept seeing Scentsy posts from a girl on Facebook. I wanted some Scentsy. But remember, I was supposed to be saving money. So I was going to host a party. Until she posted about previous consultants being able to reinstate for no additional costs! So i thought well why not!
That was the best decision I have made in my life aside from when I got with my husband of course. Lets just say it is up there on the list.
I came back with little expectations and learned I CAN DO THIS!
I got all the goodies I wanted, then I just shared how much I love them. I made connections with others who love it, and showed others they could do it too.
We love the smells and the way they trigger emotion, memory and enliven our senses. We love to empower each other. Over the course of a long, exciting and emotional 11 months now, I just celebrated my THIRD consecutive month as a DIRECTOR, working on my fourth. Finished my first full incentive season. Shown a handful of other beautiful women how to dig in and do the same and we get to celebrate and go into another incentive season together. We are learning how to be leaders. We are making a difference in our lives and the lives of others while operating a family business from home. And we are having a FREAKING BLAST!

I get to use all of this stuff all the time the way I want!! AND I LOVE IT SO YES I NEED IT ALL THE TIME. I get SOOOO excited when something new comes out that I know someone else is going to love and I LOVE to see them excited and happy about it too.
I have built so many relationships with people and made so many friends!
I found my calling. I love to lead others who want this too. I LOVE WATCHING THEM SUCCEED. I LOVE THIS COMPANY, ITS VALUES, and WHAT IT GIVES US.
I will never be done. The story will never be over. The book just keeps going on and the chapters just keep changing. And I hope if you have seen this one you come back for the next :)